Tag Archives: bubble tea

Goji-Chia Kombucha: a superfood triple threat

23 Jan

The following recipe is equally delicious for both kombucha and jun. I love it in the same way I love bubble tea: you can drink your drink, and eat it too. Once you’ve fermented your brew (refer to my post Kombucha 101), it’s a dump and drink creation. It also combines probably the trendiest superfoods out on the market.


Triple Threat Superfood Kombucha:

Put 1/4 c chia seeds and a small handful of goji berries into a pint-sized bottle.

Fill the bottle with kombucha.

Stir, or seal the bottle and shake gently to distribute the chia seeds.

Put it in the fridge and let the mixture sit at least overnight. This will allow the kombucha to absorb the flavor of the goji berries and it will allow the chia seeds to develop their jelly like consistency.

If your chia seeds stick together, stir the mixture a little more before consuming. The berries will float to the top of the mix, and the chia seeds sink. Both are satisfying textural additions to your kombucha experience.

Purported Health Benefits

If you look at the marketing for these superfoods, you would believe they are magical. Each superfood holds claims to do things like cure cancer, heart disesase and diabetes, help you lose weight, and anything else you can imagine that is wonderful. Here’s some basic facts from what I can see:

Goji berries are very high in antioxidants, have a healthy combination of monounsaturated fats, trace mineral contents, and amino acids. High in Vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene), C (note that A and C are both antioxidants), and contain some B vitamins, too. gojijuices.net has an interesting breakdown of nutrition info.

Chia seeds seem to derive a lot of their nutritional heavyweight from the fact that they are super high in dietary fiber. They also contain ALA: an omega-3 fatty acid that is also found in walnuts, flax seeds, brussels sprouts and kale.

Kombucha’s biggest claim to fame is probably its debatable glucuronic acid content: an antioxidant that is supposed to be a major fighter of cancer. It’s also beneficial because it is undisputedly probiotic– the culture helps to give the gut good bacteria.


Old Ways Herbal: Juliette Abigail Carr

Women's Health & Family Herbal Appointments, Vermont Herb School, & Free Herbal Article Library


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